Medieval Mystique

We travelled with our 7-year-old Kidsetter to Ballarat countryside in Victoria to visit the infamous ‘Kryal Castle’.  Prior to our arrival our Kidsetter had been reading a fun book called ‘Bumblefest’ about Knight’s jousting tournaments, this aided his excitement of visiting a castle where Knights would be performing actual jousting tournaments.  We meet some friends with their 3 and 4-year-old Kidsetters whom enjoyed the day out as much as we did.  Firstly, we all dressed in armour and participated in a battle of the knights; Kidsetters against adults.  Our friends 3 year old Kidsetter stole the show being adorable as he’s sword was as big as he and helmet kept sliding down over his eyes !  Priceless.  The Kidsetters of course won.


Next, we were off to watch a ‘Baddies Anonymous’ skit led by Jimmy Cricket at the Round Table.  Guest speakers included Captain Hook, Delilah the Witch and Little Red Riding Hood.  The characters had to announce their wrong doings, which was well acted.  The kids and adults were in fits of laughter.

Visited the Tournament Arena to watch and cheer The Royal Joust where knights wearing full steel armour and riding their warhorses, charged and strike their opponents with their lances.  After the tournament, a special touch as the Knights rode up to the kids and allowed them to pat their horses and ask questions.


At the Wizard’s Workroom the Kidsetters participated in a special potions class conducted by a Wizard.  Using goblin crushed teeth and dragon’s breath mist were able to make great potions and take them home with them.


The Kidsetters finished the terrific day with a Pony Ride on a Warhorse.  The Kidsetters each took turns to ride a pony and completed a ‘Mounted Skill at Arms’ challenge pretending they were Knights testing their skills with a (fake) sword and lance.


Kryal castle exceeded our expectations.  It is great value with plenty to do and see.  Hardly any crowds and the actors were down to earth and hilarious.  Step out of the hustle and bustle of Melbourne, head back in time and experience a Medieval Castle with your Kidsetters.

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Post Author: Kidsetter