Dog Sledding

I had experienced dog sledding in Alaska many years earlier, however this time was even more exciting.  I was bursting with anticipation to experience this as a family.

We had pre-booked a tour from Rovanemi. The tour company collected us and drove us 20 minutes out of town to the Husky farm.

Friendly barks of the huskies welcomed us to the local farm and we were given instructions on how to drive the sled.  Our sled was pulled through the snow by 6 dogs and as soon as the noisy dogs departed the farm they quieted down and began to work.  Enjoying their work, they were eager to always keep moving if we stopped for some scenic photos.

We mushed through forests, over lakes and routes into the wilderness.  The scenery was beyond surreal; the colour of the sky against the snow, sometimes with sparse areas of never-ending horizons and at other times dense forest.  Although we were travelling quite fast, being amongst the wilderness in silence felt asthough time stood still.

Our Kidsetter was in awe of being pulled in a fast-paced sled by huskies.  Thankfully we were all nicely rugged up as it was -20C.  A little refreshing to say the least !

We returned to the husky farm after a few hours of sledding and warmed up with a hot berry juice by the fire at the farm house. 

Next, it was time to visit the other huskies on site that hadn’t pulled our sled.  Our Kidsetter bonded with an adorable husky pup and learnt all about the huskies from the farm owner.  Of course we desperately wanted to take the husky pup home with us back to Australia !

The remoteness of the Artic circle was the ideal setting to enjoy the husky sledding adventure.  This experience is forever etched in our Kidsetter’s memory.

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Post Author: Kidsetter