Beautiful Bahamas !

We travelled to the Bahamas with our 8-year-old Kidsetter in tow.  We had always wanted to visit Atlantis in Dubai so when we learnt that Atlantis was also in The Bahamas we just had to visit.

Setting out for a fun day ready to explore Atlantis when suddenly the day took a not so pleasant turn.  Waiting in the Atlantis entrance queue to redeem our tickets we had bought in advance online, our Kidsetter begins projectile vomiting ! Oh no, what to do now ?

We ventured into Atlantis to locate the nearest restrooms to clean our Kidsetter up.  He was adamant he wanted to stay and attempt to enjoy the day.  Ok, how was this day going to unfold?

We meandered through the Atlantis aquarium.  An extraordinary collection of marine habitats and exhibits including lagoons, caves, coral formations and breathtaking underwater ruins designed to showcase exotic marine life ranging from sharks to rays, barracuda, piranha, eels and alligator.

Next it was time to swim at Aquaventure within Atlantis, one of the world’s largest and most amazing water parks.

We plunged into the Rapids River.  A mile-long river ride with extreme rapids, rolling waves, water escalators and surprises.  We were shocked to realise our inner tube was being transported on a water escalator to extreme heights only to drop suddenly on the other side for extra thrills.  It was certainly fun !

Next, we made our way to Dolphin Cay to experience an educational, water adventure with a rescued bottlenose dolphin named ‘Michelle’.

Dolphin Cay is the Caribbean’s premier marine animal rehabilitation facility.

By this stage our Kidsetter had had enough, exhausted from his earlier episode but marched in despite not feeling like it.  ☹

His face did light up again, seeing Michelle playfully swim alongside him in the protected, enclosed environment.  He watched in wonder as Michelle tumbled underwater sharing acrobatic skills while demonstrating amazing shape recognition and item retrieval.  Our guide taught us about the delightful dolphins and was infectious with her appreciation of these magnificent animals. 

To end an eventful day our Kidsetter was able to pat Michelle and get a kiss from her. Now, that’s got to make you feel better !

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Post Author: Kidsetter